Changes and Improvements over Spartan'18
- Beginning with the Spartan'20 release, all licenses now
parallel licenses (using multiple cores) and include the
Spartan Spectra & Properties Database (SSPD).
- Parallel Processing. Aside from NMR and frequencies,
we have made improvements to parallel performance which
previously saw a
plateau at around 10 cores. This now begins to plateau at around 15
cores (energy and geometry calculations). The plateau will become more
and more relevant as the number of cores in chips that are readily
available continues to increase (one can now access 32 and 64 core
chips and this may extend to t 128 and 256 core chips in the not too
distant future. Modest improvements to parallel performance of the
frequency code have been implemented. Future development efforts
include a parallelization of the NMR code.
- Boltzmann Averaged NMR.
Anew, simplified (and order of magnitude faster) protocol for
calculating NMR chemical shifts for conformationally-flexible
molecules, has been implemented. This replaces the accurate calculation
of Boltzmann weights (the slow step in the protocol released in
Spartan’18) by choosing from among “reasonable”
low-energy conformers providing proton and 13C chemical shifts that
best match experimental values.
- Coupling Constansts.
Empirical relationship for 2 and 3-bond CH coupling constants based on
comparisons of calculated coupling constants (previously available in
Spartan’18), with experimental data. Whereas, empirical
(Karplus-like) relationships for 3-bond HH coupling constants have long
been available (including in Spartan), this provides (to our knowledge)
previously unavailable and analogous but much more complicated
relationships for CH coupling constants.
- 2D NMR Spectra. 2D
NMR spectra, COSY (proton vs. proton) and (more importantly) HMBC (13C
vs. proton), based on calculated chemical shifts and either calculated
or empirical estimated HH and CH coupling constants. 2D displays with
or without experimental couplings.
- Natural Products Database.
A Database of natural products with conformationally averaged
calculated NMR spectra and experimental spectra. Now about 3,500
compounds (and growing. This is being updated with new literature, so
it will grow modestly in the coming years.
- Spartan Spectra & Properties Database (SSPD).
The Spartan Spectra & Properties Database (SSPD) subset (installed
automatically with the program) has been expanded to include IR
frequencies from the ωB97X-D/6-31G* model structures. The full
300,000+ database (separate installation) now includes energies from
the ωB97X-V/6-311+G(2df,2p) energies (as a property). These
energies are accessible from the Molecule Properties and the Reactions
- Expt. Data Menu. The additional capabilities
related to input of experimental coupling constants and comparison /
confirmation associated with calculated values have resulted in a new
menu called Expt. Data. Future development plans also include the
ability to input IR, Raman, and UV/vis data.
- Generate Isomers. A new tool provides automatic
stereoisomer/regioisomer elaboration. The input consists of a
molecule (isomer) with appropriate markers to indicate
centers to be inverted (leading to stereoisomers) and bonds to
be modified (leading to regioisomers). The result is a list of isomers.
This list can then be submitted as a/an:
- Equilibrium Conformer calculation leading to a list of
the best conformer of each isomer
- Conformer Distribution calculation leading to Boltzmann
weighted conformer lists for each isomer
- Equilibrium Geometry calculation with NMR
leading to DP4 scores for each isomer
Future developments will extend this to reactions,
automatically generating
guesses at transition states that lead to isomeric products.
- 2D Drawings.
Spartan derived 2D drawings (from the Sketch builder) have been
improved to allow for a more user friendly option for increasing bond
count (single to double, double to triple). We have also made
improvements to designation of stereochemistry via wedges, users can
instantly build with wedges, rather than having to modify an existing
bond. Visualization of calculated HH and CH couplings have been
implemented in 2D and 3D. User input ofexperimental shifts in 2D has also
been implemented.
- Output Summary. This HTML presentation format has been improved
resulting in an order or magnitude (or more)
speed increase as some
data tables are calculated on-the-fly upon opening.
- Spartan’20 will
take advantage of up to 16 cores for parallel jobs, with the option to
license >16 cores as well (for high performance multicore systems),
and will include our implementation of the latest Q-Chem version (5.2.1
at the time this list was compiled) and is the result of continued
collaboration (begun with the release of Spartan’02 in 2002).
Through this collaboration our customers benefit from both GUI and
computational enhancements in the Spartan code-base, as well as a
growing range of computational approaches and modern computational
methodsincluded in Q-Chem.
- The Ghose-Crippen LogP calculator now recognizes multiple ways
of drawing aromatic rings, thus producing more consistent